Rattlesnake 140mm + Black Pot COMBO


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Rattlesnake 140mm + Black Pot COMBO
Rattlesnake 140mm + Black Pot COMBO
Rattlesnake 140mm + Black Pot COMBO

Rattlesnake plant (Goeppertia insignis) is a tropical evergreen perennial native to Brazil, commonly grown as an indoor houseplant. Give it the care it needs, you will be rewarded with an impressive display from the distinctive foliage with a wavy pattern along the edges and variegated with shades of greens. Even the undersides of the foliage are eye-catching with their beautiful purplish-red tones.

Filtered light is the best option. If you want to place your rattlesnake plant in a window, select one that doesn't have intense afternoon sun streaming through it, or diffuse the light with drapes. A bright spot in a well-lit room works well.

Over the summer, when your rattlesnake plant experiences the most growth, it needs to be watered frequently to keep the soil or potting mix moist. During the winter season, allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering again.

Rattlesnake plants don't tolerate waterlogged conditions; if the leaves start to turn yellow, you may be overwatering. Conversely, if the leaves begin to curl unattractively they aren't receiving enough water.


Rattlesnake 140mm + Black Pot COMBO
Rattlesnake 140mm + Black Pot COMBO
Rattlesnake 140mm + Black Pot COMBO

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