Peacock Plant Gift Wrapped 200mm
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The Calathea is a genus of plants belonging to the family Marantaceae. There are a large number of species in the genus. The Calathea is native to the Americas. The Calathea makoyana, commonly called the Peacock Plant has striking leaves are the attraction for tropical gardeners and indoor plant lovers as well. Calathea makoyana has rounded pale green leaves , the upper surfaces marked with dark green blotches along the veins with a deep purple underside. Calatheas grow by means of a creeping rhizome. (They are not at all invasive). Your plant will expand quickly enough to fill a decorative pot or that shady area in your garden. Calatheas require bright indirect sunlight but are tolerant of lower light conditions, making them great indoor houseplants.
Non Toxic + likes bright indirect light
200mm plant