Lady Valentine Aglaonema 200mm
This variant is currently sold out

Aglaonema are a staple in the house plant world. This hardy tropical is often used in interior plant design. It's not uncommon to see them in restaurants, malls, and dotting shelves in clothing stores. Aglaonema 'Lady Valentine' is a stand out among most Aglanoema cultivars. While the majority are shades of green, 'Lady Valentine' is pink, with individual plants ranging from deep blush to almost white. The care for your Aglaonema 'Lady Valentine' is fairly similar to its green counterparts, with a few differences to keep in mind. This pink cutie is perfectly suited to both newbie plant parents and seasoned pink plant lovers alike!
Valentines thrive in bright to medium light, growing in moist potting soil, and medium to high humidity. Only water the houseplant when the top 1” (2.5 cm) of soil is dry. Keep temperatures between 18°C and 26°C, and fertilise monthly during the growing season.
200 pot